Curinline ProTPS is a digital orthodontic treatment planning service provided to orthodontists and dentists by expert staff.
What are we doing?
ClinCheck Procedures and Technician Communication
We follow all ClinCheck procedures and technician communications on behalf of our doctors and save more time for doctors to take care of their patients.
Treatment Techniques and Comprehensive Treatment Protocols
Curinline helps doctors to develop treatment techniques. Curinline offers doctors comprehensive treatment protocols to achieve predictable and reliable clinical results.
What stages does our ProTPS service consist of?
You can take a look at all the process details on the diagram we have created on how Curinline works.
HOW WE WORK?Over 5000 Planned Treatments
Curinline's goal is to create a ClinCheck treatment plan for doctors in the fastest and most efficient way, taking into account individual specifications and clinical preferences.