
About us

As the Curinline team, we believe that orthodontic disorders should be treated with Aligners without exception and we are constantly improving our techniques in this way.

As the Curinline team, we believe that orthodontic disorders should be treated with Aligners without exception and we are constantly improving our techniques in this way.

In Turkey, 50% of the population needs orthodontic treatment however only 5% of the patients who can find treatment options start their treatment with clear aligners. Whereas, in America 60% of orthodontic treatments are made with clear aligners.

The above data shows that the current situation in Turkey created a great opportunity for doctors. Curinline, per its mission, supports our doctors to help them treat orthodontic cases with clear aligners without any exceptions.


This support includes

•  Curinline assists doctors in the preparation of ClinCheck treatment plans customized for their patients.
•  After each revision, our expert team automatically checks the new revision and applies additional revisions if necessary.
•  Invisalign helps doctors to develop their treatment techniques in a short period. In this way, doctors get the opportunity to spend more time with their patients.
•  All ClinCheck planning and technician communication activities are carried out on behalf of the doctors. Provides necessary information when there is a need in the treatment plan.
•  Doctors only need to approve the treatment plan.

Professional Treatment Planning Service